Bio and Interests:
Sudar Nicolay Tobisovich
Home address:
Prospect Dunaysky, 43-1-817. St. Petersburg. 192281 Russia
Work: 7(812)552-76-21
Home: 7(812)771-16-00
Professor-Consultant of IC Design Center "Alfa-Cristal"
Scientific degree:The doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Scientific rank: Professor.
Scientific interests:The problem of polymer aging in the electric field (deterioration of the electrical strength properties) and elucidation of mechanisms responsible for a breakdown in polymers.
The author 57 scientific publications.
The basic publications:
1. V.A. Zakrevskii, N.T. Sudar, A.Zaopo and Yu.A.Dubitsy// Mechanism of electrical degradation and breakdown of insulating polymers// J. Appl. Phys. 2003. V. 93, N4.
2. V.A. Zakrevskii, N.T. Sudar// Electrical degradation of thin polymeric films// Phys. Solid State. 2005. V. 47, N, P.931-936.
3. V.A. Zakrevskii, S.V. Kuzmin, N.T. Sudar// Electrical Properties and Electrical Failure of Thin Films of Undoped Polyaniline// Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2008. V. 50. No 4. P. 411 – 416.
Pedagogical work: Was supervisor the 28 degree works (bachelor of of physics and master's degree of physics) of the students.
Lecture rates:
1. Physics of a Solid State
2. Electronic Structure of Molecular Solid State
3. Physics of dielectrics
4. Application of ultrasound in medicine
Additional Information:Date of birth: 03.04.1953