Yellow Pages on European Competences in future Nanoelectronics available
Wed, 2012/12/12Contact Person: Ralf Popp, edacentrum GmbH, DE
NANO-TEC project will help to find experts, institutions, projects, and resultsThe NANO-TEC project announces its ‘Yellow Pages‘ (YP) to be publicly available. The Yellow Pages comprise an information repository which offers search for and access to experts, institutions, projects, working groups and results in the field of future nanoelectronics, as in Beyond CMOS, in Europe.
The European Commission ICT theme of the 7th Framework Program is funding a Coordination Action project entitled "ECOSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY and DESIGN for NANOELECTRONICS" (NANO-TEC, ICT-2010-257964). The project started on 1st September 2010 and its aims are to identify the emerging generation of device concepts and technologies for ICT, as well as to build a joint technology-design community in order to coordinate research efforts in nanoelectronics in the European research area.
Therefore, the NANO-TEC consortium has developed a state-of-the-art web platform for working groups, facilitating discussions, meetings, communications and recently offers access to an information repository called ‘NANO-TEC-Yellow Pages‘ at While the whole platform offers an interface to disseminate the project results to the public and to experts in the field, the “Yellow Pages” will help experts in nanoelectronics, who will be able to gather in specialist groups, thus becoming a reference point to examine achieved results, existing competences and contact information in the field of future nanoelectronics in Europe. Within the YP the nanoelectronics technology specific content has been organized along categories such as ‘expert’, ‘institution’, ‘project’, ‘result’ and ‘working group’. Additionally, a five-level taxonomy of technical terms in micro- and nanoelectronics as well as in economy and funding has been defined. The YP’s taxonomy allows to classify semantically the YP’s categories.
Categories and taxonomy have been implemented within the open source CMS system Drupal to form an information repository, which enables the NANO-TEC web platform to store technical information in repositories in a structured and semantically order that can be used as Yellow Pages
The EU FP7 ICT project NANO-TEC seeks to build a community of academic researchers in nanoelectronics, addressing specifically research in Beyond CMOS from the combined technology and design perspectives. A methodology for consultation and analysis of research needs and trends was developed. The main activity has been a workshop series with invited experts from academia research organisations and industry, preceded by a methodology contents preparation phase and subsequent analysis and documentation, both by the consortium. Apart of identifying main trends in Beyond CMOS devices and design, benchmarking and SWOT analyses were performed. The recommendations of these combined efforts will be made public early 2013.
NANO-TEC is led by the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology and comprises 10 other partners who are the Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus VTT from Finland, the German edacentrum and the Foschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Chalmers Technical University of Sweden, the Polish Institute of Electron Technology, Delft University of Technology from the Netherlands, the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Tyndall National Institute from Ireland, the Ecole Politechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS. The consortium is assisted by an Advisory Committee of global experts with representatives of CEA-LETI, IMEC, Politecnico de Torino and AENEAS-CATRENE, who have global expertise and strong links to industry. Thus, the findings and activities of NANO-TEC ensure a broad coverage of its topic at European level.
edacentrum, Ralf Popp,
edacentrum [dot] de,
Phone +49 (511) 762 19697, Fax +49 (511) 762 19695
Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres (project coordinator)
clivia [dot] sotomayor
icn [dot] cat